My IP address:

What is IP-address?

IP-address (ай-пи адрес, Internet Protocol Address) — is the network address of the node in a computer network built on a protocol IP. When communicating via the Internet requires a global unique address, in case of a local network requires a unique address within the network.

There are two formats of IP-addresses:

  1. IPv4
  2. IPv6

The fourth version of the IP address is a 32-bit binary number. Convenient form IP-address (IPv4) was written as four decimal numbers (from 0 to 255), separated by dots, for example,

The sixth version of the IP address (IPv6) has 128-bit representation. Addresses are separated by colons (eg fe80: 0:0:0:200: f8ff: fe21: 67cf). A large number of zero groups may be skipped with a double colon (fe80:: 200: f8ff: fe21: 67cf). This omission may be the only one in the address.

IPv4 IP-addresses soon will end!

Forecast made by the Number Resource Organization (NRO) in the last year, said that the supply of IPv4-addresses allegedly run out in 2011, but judging from the current data on the intensity of growth in the registration of new addresses, everything indicates that it is likely happen in 2012.

Nevertheless, the head of NRO, Axel Pawlik (Axel Pawlik) urges ISPs to the global transition to the new IPv6 protocol as soon as possible, to make it more smooth and painless and thus avoid possible complications in going in a hurry in 2011.

According to him, delay the transition to a new protocol by many companies due to high financial cost. Nevertheless, it would be one way or another is inevitable in 2011.


At the beginning of May 2010 there were only 20 free blocks / 8, although in January there were 26. Thus, the addresses can be completed by the end of this year. In connection with severe regional recorders (RIR) impose restrictions on the issuance of units to buyers. In particular, it will be reduced to the minimum size / 22 (1024 addresses) to / 24 (256). Despite this, the stock RIR addresses also end in a couple of years.

We must also note that Google started to migrate to IPv6 in March, and the European Union in October 2009.